For the last couple of years I have spent part of the summer attending Spirit Weavers Gathering at the beautiful Cedar Bloom Farm in southern Oregon on the Illinois river. I attended for the first time in 2019 as a volunteer (seva) helping to prep food in the kitchen and care for the communal dishwashing system. After a hiatus during the pandemic, I returned in 2022 as an instructor offering my plant propagation workshop Make More Plants!
The gathering has definitely become one of the highlights of the year for me. Swimming naked in a cold, clear river on hot days, surrounded by an incredible community of women identifying folks who are passionate about sharing earth-based skills, singing songs by the fire under the stars, and sharing meals together like a village, it’s a blissful step out of the normal rush of life that I truly treasure.
This year I’ll be sharing Make More Plants! at both sessions and I was asked by Conscious City Guide to write an article about plant propagation and some things I’ll be highlighting in the workshop. You can check it out here.
Zoli sharing Make More Plants! at Spirit Weavers Gathering in 2022. Photo by Nenah Eve
If you have the chance to check out Spirit Weavers Gathering I highly recommend it! I’ll share more about my experience this year after I attend in June and I’m looking forward to some additional west coast travels this summer as well. So far there are plans developing to see friends in Washington, go to baby showers in the Bay Area, and hopefully do some backpacking on the Olympic Peninsula! We’ll see what pans out, it’s difficult to fit everything I’d like to do into even a month-long trip and it’s hard to be away from the farm (and my dog) for that long as well. But as the days get longer and the weather gets warmer I’m looking forward to some Pacific Northwestern adventures for sure!
Spirit Weavers group photo by Nenah Eve 2022